Deja vu

Tonight I asked Eden to brush her teeth. After 20 minutes of running around, discovering, “look I’ve got two toothbrushes. I want to brush my teeth with the Jasmine tooth brush,” and then running out with both the Jasmine tooth brush and the My Little Pony tooth brush proclaiming, “My bear toothpaste is lost, I’m going to use your spicy toothpaste.” and then coming out to say that the spicy toothpaste was too spicy and that she lost their chairs to stand on and checking all rooms of the house for the chairs, she finally got her teeth brushed. (I know that was like the longest sentence in the history of the world, but I don’t care.)

I told her that she needed to go back and do a better job, because in the 20 minute course of preparing to brush, she only brushed enough to suck the “spicy” toothpaste off the brush and call it good. She went to brush more and then came out, struck a cheesey-grinned pose and said, “How about now?”

I just had this overwhelming sense of deja vu. My little sis and I would always play a game with our parents where we’d ask them how good our teeth looked. Most of the time we’d trick them into thinking that we’d actually brushed, when we hadn’t. It made me think, wasn’t it like five minutes ago that I was a little squirly kid who was trying to get out of brushing my teeth? And now I HAVE one of those squirly kids?

Jim and I both often wonder this, Who gave us kids?

Category: Kids 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Deja vu”

  1. ordinary girl

    we used to do that as well. wetting our toothbrushes and putting a dallop of toothpaste on our tongues – it was probably more work than actually brushing – LOL. i wanted to let you know that i made your carrot cake and cream cheese frosting. it was the first cake i’ve ever made and it was a HIT! i changed the cake recipe to make it dairy-free for my daughter and still so delicious!! thanks!
    you can see the only digital photo i took of it here:
    will definitely be trying more of your awesome recipes! :)

  2. loo

    I can remember rubbing the toothpaste on my teeth with my finger figuring that would be a good way to fool them!

    Now I want some carrot cake…

  3. kelli

    What is it with kids hating their teeth being brushed? Hailee will only use the bubble gum tooth paste which doesn’t really help your breath at all! I also agree with ordinary girl! I love looking at your recipes and menu of the week. It gives me ideas! Everything looks so yummy. NOW I WAN”T CARROT CAKE!

  4. Elaine

    I still can’t believe the powers that be were silly enough to give us kids! Crazy idiots. ;)

  5. Christa

    I can SO totally relate. First of all, Marissa has, like 7 toothbrushes, and it’s such a chore getting her to brush her teeth. My sis and I used to wet our toothbrushes and tell our mom that we had brushed our teeth…. we were sneaky little buggers.

    Eden is such a doll. :)

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