Random kid-ness

.Honor came up to me yesterday holding a wet diaper. At first I wondered how he got into the diaper pail but then he handed it to me and I realized it was warm. He managed to get his diaper off. I’m not sure how because he was fully clothed.

.Eden said to Jim the other day when he told her she couldn’t do something, “I’m so BAD at you.”

.When we were at Walmart the other night, Eden crawled in the bottom of the cart as the store employees looked down their noses at me and whispered about what a bad mom I am. Honor was sitting in the front where he played his favorite game: buckle the buckle and the yell, “bucko, bucko,” until I unhook it for him. Lather, rinse, repeat. Honor noticed that Eden wasn’t there as we started moving and he freaked out, “EDEEE, EDEEE!” He was so worried that I had left her behind. But as soon as I pointed out to him that she was coasting along in the bottom of the cart, her resumed his buckle game. “Bukco!!”

.Maybe it’s just a 3 year old thing, but Eden loves to give us the play by play on all her bodily activities. “Mom, I just tooted.” She’ll bypass the bathroom and come all the way outside to announce to us, “I have to go potty.” And just now she yelled at me from the bathroom, “MOM! I went pee and poop at the SAME TIME! It was SO funny.”

Category: Kids, random monday 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Random kid-ness”

  1. angela

    LOL, your kiddos crack me up. Especially the one about Honor and the diaper – just like in Zoolander!

  2. sarahgrace

    Like yesterday when she said to Drew, “You said sorry really funny!” LOL!

  3. Elaine

    I always let my kid do dangerous things… how else will they learn? Duh, silly shop idiots.

    And the pee/poop comments rocked my morning hard core. Bc when you do it at the same time, it IS kinda funny.

  4. Jill

    That’s so funny… yesterday my kids were saying hilarious things too. For example:

    Hunter- “Mom, I love rolley polley’s, but I love you too!”

    Tasia- “Oh, I have diareha, I have PRINCESS DIARIAH!”

    Oh the things they say!

  5. Sarah E.

    It’s not a 3 year old thing–I tell my husband the same things.

  6. LeAnne

    The bad mom whispering never stops…we were in Target the other day and the kids wanted those icee things and I said (maybe a tad too loudly) NO YOU GUYS DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SUGAR. (whisper whisper) Send me your address so I can send you the yarn!

  7. robin

    i got mean looks at the park today when sadie (who is 7, by the way) was hanging upside down no hands on the bars. i guess she should have been wearing a helmut? i was tempted to teach her, right then, to do a penny drop. it is a wonder children are allowed to walk these days.

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