Our pop culture children

I’ve always been amazed by how well advertising effects kids. Eden will watch a commercial one time and be talking about how she wants a Sky Dancer for the next month. As our business becomes more of a marketing company, we’re realizing that traditional forms of advertising are becoming less and less effective. But the one market that will always be susceptible to traditional advertising is children.

Which leads me to my little kiddos. They are, already, children of the 21st century. Eden can recognize most fast food restaurants from a mile away, especially “The Ice Cream Store” (Dairy Queen), My mom is proud… and probably at fault. Even Honor knows Taco Bell, honestly, we don’t eat there THAT much. The other day, as we drove past Taco Bell, he said, “See it! Taco Bell!”

They can point out most technology, Honor sees my iPod and says, “mama, iPod’ (emphasis on the “d”). Eden can work the TV and she’s always telling me to “record it.” Recently Eden has taken to playing a Dora Matching Game on the computer. Now every single time one of us is on the computer she asks, “Can I play the Dora Dame?” There’s only so many times you can click on little cards and watch them flip over to reveal swiper before you get bored, so I thought I’d let her try and play herself. She’s perfect with a mouse. She’s only 3 years old! So she now has her very own computer (a turd slow Apple running 9.1) with Dora set to the home page. And while Honor enjoys clicking on “his” mouse, he’s much rather be destroying a computer. No amount of cool technology can keep destruct-o-con down.

Category: Kids 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Our pop culture children”

  1. Elaine

    Lily can totally work the DVD player and I made the mistake of showing her the PBS KIds website the other day. She can’t work it yet, but she can sure tell me what to do with the damn boohbahs (or however you spell ‘em).

    Can you imagine what they’ll be like in a couple of years? GAH!

  2. loo

    When my oldest was three we were in the grocery store and there was a sign for Krispy Kreme donuts. She pointed and said “Look, Krispy Kreme” and the woman behind the counter was amazed at her “reading skills”…I just said “She’s a prodigy” and blushed my way out the door.

  3. trudie

    it is indeed nuts. my son uses google to find out something he wants to know about. he was at the inlaws trying to find the bob the builder site and yelled to her, ‘grandma, how do you spell builder?’ she went in to help him and he’d already typed in bob the b

    i have also noticed all of the subtle things everywhere–the smallest stickers and insignias on things, anything catches the little one’s eyes, things that most of us adults have learned to tune out. it’s scary!

  4. sarahgrace

    Yeah, Drew is always pointing out Pizza Hut, but you know the weird thing- he’s seen the letters for Five Face Down so much- he can recognize the words. Last weekend we picked up a bulletin that had ‘face down’ printed on the front and he picked it up and said “Five Face Down.” Kind of sad now, but at least we got something positive from it!

  5. elizabeth

    oh i can so relate…mikey has been playing computer games on the net for quite some time. he knows how to type in the website and heck, he can even dload (i prolly need to monitor this better…lol).

    whenever we hop in the car he asks if i have my ipod and he is a genius at his gameboy. he can pop in his own movies in the dvd player and knows how to work the remote. he can’t even read yet.

    isabella knows that when i take a pic with my digital that she can look at the pic right away on the camera.

    should we be worried??? :)

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