the hair

I’ve always had the worst experience with my hair. It all culminated when I was pregnant with Honor and Jim suggested that I go to a lady who was in his business referral group. So here I was, 8 months pregnant, with the worst hair cut of my life. I know that it’s shocking that I’d freak out, but I did, so much so that Jim had to yell at me to stop because he was worried that I’d freak myself into premature labor.

I guess it was a good thing in disguise, because it led me to the best stylist in the entire world. She gave me some temporary extensions and was able to eventually work me into a great cut. You can imagine my distress when I found out that she MOVED AWAY. It was quite possibly the saddest thing in the entire world.

So now here I am, it’s been over 9 months since my last cut and I need one, desperately. And I’m scared to death to get one. Thinking about it, I keep fighting off mini panic attacks. I know that I want it to look like this or this but how will I get it? Where will I go? What will they do to my hair? I’m so scared.

Category: hair 9 comments »

9 Responses to “the hair”

  1. angela

    I sooooooooooo know how you feel. I haven’t had a haircut in about the same amount of time but I really need one… but it’s hard when you’re scared of how it will turn out! Good luck finding a new stylist!

  2. Jill

    Shall we pray for your stylist… LOL!

  3. sarahgrace

    Super cute due you picked out ( I don’t want to look at any super cute due’s cuz I might be tempted to cut mine!) But- have you seen that there is a new hair place downtown right accross from Pollux- it is called Fresh and has an interior that looks kind of like your website here. I’m not sure, but I have a hunch that someone there may be able to get your hair just like you want it… Call me- I have some business cards with numbers if you need them…

  4. notmarcie

    I know your pain. I have cried several times after a bad haircut (like the man who was so busy telling me he was 40 but he knew he looked much younger and ignored all I said). What I’ve found good is to go in for a “consultation” before getting it cut, take the pictures with you and ask their opinion.
    And ask other people with good hair who cuts it for them.

  5. loo

    it seems my hair is always in pig tails lately, that should be a sign that it is time to cut…

    I remember getting a bob once when my hair was jet black and calling one of my girlfriends sobbing and she came rushing over with combs and barettes and all sorts of things.

  6. Sarah E.

    I feel your pain. I really do.

    If you lived in the Twin Cities, I could recommend several good places! If I were really on the edge and apprehensive about a cut, I would splurge and go to the nearest Aveda salon. I’ve never gone to their salons, but they have an Aveda Institue in Minneapolis where I got great haircuts for $11.

  7. Brooke

    WAY CUTE HAIR STYLES!! Good luck….

  8. Brianne

    I have shamelessly-without shame-stopped strangers in the street to ask where they got their haircut if I think whoever cut it did a good job. I don’t necessarily have to like the style, that can usually be dealt with, but the cut itself. I also stare into shops to make sure that everyone within has a good haircut. If the stylists haircuts are bad, or all the same, I will even blow off an appointment.

  9. holli

    I haven’t had a haircut since last November because I just can’t find the time.. and I have Red Door gift certificates piled up and waiting!!

    I just pretend like I’m growing out my bangs.. it makes me feel better.

    Besides – I, too – have been traumatized by the Edward Scissorhands stylists that came so highly recommended. So I’m gun-shy.

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