My Children

Honor just obeyed me! I told him to go get some socks out of his drawer and he did it. The very first time I told him. And I didn’t have to walk him into his room and make him do it either. He just obeyed. This is a very momentous occasion.

And while we’re speaking of poop these days, I just over heard Eden say in the bathroom while she was undoing her overalls. “Just a second poop, I’ll let you go in the toilet.”

Category: Eden, Honor, Kids 6 comments »

6 Responses to “My Children”

  1. looloo

    See, you have to keep open communication with your poop…

    I think I need to learn not to take bites of my lunch the very second I read updates about Honor or Eden.

  2. Brooke

    HA HA HA!!! I can’t even type I am laughing TOO hard…. And Congrats on Honor being obedient!!!!

  3. fuzzypeach

    lol! Eden always cracks me up. And the post the other day about Honor and naughty was so CUTE I almost died. Ahh, toddlers.

  4. Elaine

    Wait. Your Honor? BRILLIANT! I am very proud of him as I know how hard it is for him to do anything he’s told. YAY HONOR! And Eden seriously cracks me up. Love that girly.

    HEY, I’m making a Frittata right now and I’m using your recipe as a basis. Thanks for making my dinner yummy!

  5. urcarla

    I remember when Hunter told me his poop went to heaven when he flushed the tolit…why did he think that? Because when his gold fish died and got flushed down the tolit he was told it went to heaven, so he thought “everything” that got flushed went to heaven! I love all you young moms stories about your kids. As for me…been there-done that, now I enjoy seeing all of you go thru it! Be blessed!

  6. Candice

    that is so funny! Jordan tells his poop goodbye sometimes as it goes down, but I think yours is even funnier!

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