Snow day!

It actually snowed last night. Not quite enough to make a snow man (it was still powdery when we were out there anyway) but enough to make a snow bird and a snow angel. It’s almost all already gone… stinking Western Colorado.

snow angel

All Honor really cared to do with the snow was eat it, he even resorted to laying down on and eating it directly from the ground. mmmm…


Here’s the long awaited snow bird being made.

making a snow bird

And the old folks.

mountain man Jim

me on snow day

Category: photos 8 comments »

8 Responses to “Snow day!”

  1. Elaine

    GREAT shots! Love the snow bird and the vision of Honor face down in the snow munching away. Do you have enough to make snow ice cream?

    Give kisses to the monsters for me!

  2. Carla Cappetto

    Cute pics! Kids love it when it snows. I dont care to drive in it, but it sure is beautiful. Enjoy it while it last…oh well to late, its already gone! Enjoy the next time!

  3. super_luminal

    Aw man, I wish we got snow. Looks like you guys are having a blast!

  4. Heidi

    They are to precious – never get enough of your kids!! I dont know why but I can picture Honor in a snow bank head first, up to his ankles kicking franticly! What a beautiful bird Eden makes. :) Makes ya want to be a kid again.

  5. trudie

    i am SO jealous. my mil and fil just had 6″. we get zippo here. i can’t wait until we can buy a mountain home that we can enjoy the snowy winters in…

    i love honor’s hat!

  6. Jill

    Whoa Jim… he’s a mountain man!

  7. Becca T.

    CUTE pictures!!! Yeah for snow! I totally understand how excited you are, in Oregon we hardly ever get snow, so when we do we are so happy….although being in Colorado I would have thought you would have more snow by now.

  8. LeAnne

    Regarding your bribing Eden…I had a problem thinking I was being a bad mother when we started allowances for chores, so I talked to a child psychologist at the school. He said, “well, would you go to work if you didn’t get paid?” Good point. I think looking forward to a reward is not a bad thing. But right, check the price :-)

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