

Category: photos 12 comments »

12 Responses to “Home”

  1. Elaine

    Wow! That’s a beautiful shot!

  2. Annejelynn

    oh heck! I keep thinking your live out east?

  3. Merededeux

    You live there? That’s so beautiful.

  4. Sarah

    Nice backyard. Must take Jim forever to mow it, though.

    I love Colorado. Peter keeps talking about moving out there.

  5. carole

    wow, that is so beautiful. It reminds me of NM, but the shot is amazing!!

  6. Alicia


  7. Scout

    Wait a minute. Where do you live!?

  8. cher

    Yep, I recognize that view. Something beautiful and magnetic about the desert of Colorado. One could write a book of memories set in the plateaus and mountains surrounding such a Grand Valley.

  9. Angela

    What an amazing view… very different from where i live!

  10. Daph

    That’s so beautiful!

  11. Mama C-ta

    Wow, we don’t even have grass and you have a beautiful red rock canyon. LOL @ Sarah’s comment :)

  12. Candice

    Your swimming pool needs to be refilled. It looks pretty empty!

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