the kids’ bedroom floor

Friday Jim took the day off and we had a nice leisurely day of shopping at Target and drinking coffee. We came home and put the kids down for a nap and I walked over to get a pattern from the yarn store while Jim took a little nap of his own. Little did we know that when we thought Honor was sleeping, he was instead finger painting with the contents of his diaper. All over the carpet. Again. I guess he got bored with it, because he decided to go ahead and take his nap, commando.

And that’s how I found him. Sleeping peacefully with poop smeared EVERYWHERE. I just turned right around and walked away… for his own safety. So I decided that I didn’t want to scrub any more poop off the carpet. I think that this is the fourth? time he did this? And I decided that I was done. So I convinced Jim that we needed to rip out the carpet. RIGHT THAT MINUTE. And that’s what we did. I had peeled up a tiny bit of the carpet around the heating duct and saw what I thought was a pretty decently finished hardwood floor. But, yeah, not so much. What I actually found was this:

closeup of the floor before

the kids floor before

(Sorry, no photos of the room with carpet, I’m trying real hard to keep from posting pictures of feces on the internet.)

the kids floor before

By this point, Jim was quite unhappy. So I dug through the paint closet and found some leftover paint from the kids walls. He helped me get all the carpet tack up and I got the floor all cleaned up and the first coat of paint on it. We ran to Home Depot to wait in line for 45 minutes for more paint and then got more coffee and came back home to finish the floor.

the kids floor after

the kids floor after

It was seriously the easiest project I’ve ever done. (Thankfully.) And it’s left me with a renewed desire for home improvement. I’ve got plans for all the walls in my house now. I’m just afraid any other project will tarnish the memory of this perfect project. If only Honor would poop on the floor more often. Yeah. Not really.

Category: Honor, house, messes 9 comments »

9 Responses to “the kids’ bedroom floor”

  1. angela

    It looks awesome! Love it! Love the lionskin rug too, hehe.

    Poop + carpet = boo.

  2. Merededeux

    Blue is my favorite color. It does look great. I like the walls and especially the door, too.

  3. Pip

    It looks great!

  4. Jill

    I LOVE IT! Looks way better than the carpet even. Way to go.

  5. luci

    It *does* look great, and is really inspirational. Almost all of our floors are painted (and we didn’t have hardwood underneath, just subfloor) because there was atrociously filthy, worn carpet here when we moved in. For future planning, though, you should definitely investigate using paint specifically made for floors, because it’s much, much more durable. You might want to consider sealing this paint job if you want to keep it blue. All our painted floors are in white, which, of course, haven’t been white since about a day after they were painted. But now we hear you can purchase a wider variety of colors, so we’ve got plans … until we’ve saved enough to lay down the enormous amount of new hardwood we really want in the end.

    But yeah. Great floors. Sorry to hear the circumstances, but what a great “save.”

  6. pudding

    That looks amazing. I can understand the renewed desire for home improvement. It’s inspired me! Do your children share a room? How does that go?

  7. sarahgrace

    Hey- it looks really really good! Very nice…who knew poop smearing could lead to this!?

  8. jessica

    I feel your pain. We are in the process of laying hard wood floors ,when our son pooped on the last of the carpet left.(which is only like the100th time) So we just ripped it out. It was great, the most fun I’ve ever had, well for cleanung up poop, that is.

  9. pretendingsanity » weekends

    […] The weekend after that we plan to do the same thing to our bedroom floor as we did to the kids floor. I also plan to paint the walls in our room, after 5 years of while walls, I think it’s time to commit to a color. This is the one weekend activity that I think we will probably put off, but I’m still planning on it. […]

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