
Yesterday, Eden left with my mom and sister to go to Wyoming to visit my grandma. Eden was VERY excited at the prospect of going on a trip with Grammy and having “four sleepovers.” She is still enjoying herself so much that she hardly wants to talk to me on the phone. She did, however, make sure to check and see how Honor is doing. She talked to him on the phone way more that she talked to me. I guess this is really the first time that they’ve been apart.

With Eden being gone, it’s amazing how low the level of Yap is around our house. Honor is such a quiet kid when his sister isn’t around. He’s been doing well, really behaving himself (I guess the two egg each other on) and he’s been my big helper. Good thing too, because things are getting down to the wire. But I’m feeling pretty confident that everything is going to come together.

Category: Kids 3 comments »

3 Responses to “uno”

  1. Elaine

    I took Lily to a party the other day and was floored at how easy one kid was. Enjoy your time with Honor and I can’t wait to see the store all done!

  2. Karin

    You totally nailed it with that — the “LEVEL OF YAP.” Brilliant, and so true. It’s the preschool equivalent of white noise.

  3. Annejelynn

    humpht. How old is Eden again? I can’t convince anyone that my honey-man’s 8 yr old is old enough for a trip alone to see extended family!?! I do know one thing – Eden ain’t 8! how old was she when she first went for a visit without mommie?

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