maybe we’ll move into the store then

“I’m going to be good at the yarn store.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, I’m just going to be naughty at home.”

The kids are here with me today at the store. Wish me luck.

Category: Kids 8 comments »

8 Responses to “maybe we’ll move into the store then”

  1. sarahgrace

    Oh dear…I can’t believe they made a distinction between being good at the YS and bad at home….like that’s okay! LOL! Have a good day!

  2. HeatherC

    Well, at least they gave you fair warning. :)

  3. Merededeux

    Good luck. Maybe they are telling the truth :-)

  4. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    Precious… I think we have the same children. Well, one of them anyway. ;)

  5. scout

    How is it going???

  6. Sarah

    I like it! It shows that they are learning restraint. Progress, indeed!

    Can’t wait for the online store! ;) Will you recognize my name when my order comes through?

  7. Heidi

    THAT is to funny – they are to smart for thier ages…..comes from lots of possitive interaction with the folks… :) Yarn looks great and hope it is just what you wanted it to be.

  8. Cara

    That is totally hilarious. I think that comment was a true testament to how incredibly hard it is for a child to be good at all times. We, as adults, act in the same way but without announcing it to anyone.

    “I was good at work all week, but I will be very naughty tonight slinging back one cocktail after another.”

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