I’ve been trying to get this house organized. It’s been really hard with the kids, they can make a mess much faster than I can clean it. And it’s been especially difficult to keep all their toys organized. Some time ago I went through and separated all the coordinating toys into big lidded bins. But since I’m not here all the time, Other People that I may be married to let them get more than one toy out of the closet at a time. And while it’s been really great that Other People help pick up the play room, Other People don’t sort through the toys and put them back into the bins they belong in. You see my dilemma?

As the weather has been getting colder, I’ve been sorting through the kids clothes that don’t fit anymore or that won’t fit next year. They’ve ended up in a big pile in the hallway. One pile for clothes that I want to keep in case we have another baby or for my sisters future children and one pile of clothes that I want to pass on to someone else. Needless to say, the hallway has been a mess for some time now. That is until I found the most wonderful invention, Giant Ziploc bags. I’d seen them advertised on t.v., but I didn’t realize how great they were. I fit SO much into one, it’s made from strong plastic, the zip seems really sturdy and… it fit SO much!

Now the kids clothes are all stored away and I packed away my summer clothes and stored them under the bed. I’ve still got a ways to go on getting the whole house organized (I have to say, I wish we had an Ikea SO MUCH) but it’s nice to be making a dent.

Category: house 4 comments »

4 Responses to “XXL”

  1. Brianne

    Sometimes, when I am really desperate, I order from Ikea. When I lived in Houston I used to go their every week and just walk around and smell the goodness.

  2. loo

    how much? Where? and can you vaccuum seal them?

    I have thought about that sorting of the toys thing but I can’t keep up with it. I can’t even keep them sorted by baby/big kid.

  3. Merededeux

    You sound like me. I went through clothes yesterday and I have two rubbermaids. One with clothes for potential babies and one with clothes that may fit Anna or Kathryn.

    And my Other Person does the exact same thing your Other Person does re: the toys.

  4. kelli

    My absolute worst thing to do is sort through clothes. It’s so overwhelming. My hallway has seen better days. I have things that need to go to good will and some that need to be put away. I like those bags which reminds me. Where the heck are our big bags?

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