Archive for July 19th, 2005

Where’s the duct tape?

July 19th, 2005 — 7:43am

So we (actually JIM) did the dumbest thing this weekend. He took the side off Honors crib and lowered the mattress all the way down. Yeah, I told you it was dumb. I think Jim had a momentary lapse in judgment when he saw Honor crawl into Edens toddler bed and look up at him with pleading eyes. Honor is a whole year older than Eden was when she moved to a toddler bed. But. There’s a reason. The boy is uncontrollable. He’s a squirmy ball of energy that NEVER. STOPS. EVER.

My very last option of containment is now gone. Wanna guess how many times he got up (and got in trouble) from his nap yesterday? SEVEN… or was it eight? He’s gotten up so many times in the last 36 hours that they’re all blending together. He of course thinks it’s the greatest thing EVAR!! He can get up, he can crawl in bed with Eden and lay on her head. He can get a toy, he can open up the wipe box and take EVERY SINGLE ONE out and lay them on his bed, he can go running through the house and back as fast as he can in hopes that we don’t catch him before he gets back into his bed. Yes, this is just a sample of the last 36 hours of bed and nap times (which, by the way, is only one nap time and two bed times.)

I wonder how long he would stay up if I let him? That is an experiment for someone like a grandparent who likes him much more than I do and would be less likely to duct tape him to the wall out of sheer desperation.

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