Archive for July 25th, 2005

bravery and determination

July 25th, 2005 — 8:20am

Because we’re gluttons for punishment, the walls of Honors crib didn’t go back up until last night. I admit, Jim’s got more determination that I do. He dealt with nap and bed times all weekend. I can’t even count the MANY, many times that Honor got up and got in trouble. Finally, by last night, Jim had had it. He stormed into the kids room, turned the light on and started to screw the crib back together.

Who would have known that the best punishment of all would be to make Honor sleep in a crib? He was heart broken, he just sat there and cried with the most pathetic look ever. Jim is still braver than I, he thinks that in a few days Honor will be able to sleep without the walls again. I, on the other hand, think that he can sleep in the crib for the rest of his life and I’m considering Joelene’s idea to cover the top with chicken wire.

And congratulations to my friend Jill who just found out that she’s pregnant with her third!

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