Archive for December 12th, 2005

pop quiz

December 12th, 2005 — 11:06am

Friday I took Honor to the Pediatric Orthopedist for his foot that turns in. He’s going to have to wear a shoe insert and have physical therapy, but she was hopeful that we could get it much closer to normal in the next couple of years.

While we were there, Honor took every opportunity and then some to test me. While we were waiting (because you know, doctors ALWAYS have to make you wait) he discovered the drinking fountain around the corner from the waiting room. I don’t quite understand why kids love water so much? I held him up so he could get one drink (that mostly ended up on his coat) and the rest of the time I endured questions of, “I want rink? Please?”

When we finally got into the exam room (to wait some more) Honor was delighted to see that there was a little sink with in his reach. I spent the whole time trying to keep him away from that sink.

My final test came when we were waiting again to schedule his appointment with the physical therapist…right by the CHRISTMAS TREE. How was Honor supposed to resist a Christmas tree? He was holding his piece of candy that I had earlier bribed him with, waiting until we got into the car to open it – that in itself is amazing. And he kept going over to the tree saying, “I just look at it.” Yeah, he looked with his hands. So finally I told him, “don’t touch that tree or I’m taking your candy away.” And what did he do? Walked over to the tree and barely touched an ornament with the tip of his finger.

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