Archive for May 22nd, 2006


May 22nd, 2006 — 9:09am

•33 comments so far and not a one is male! But it was amazing to hear from all of you!
The internet brings people together in ways that are impossible. It’s something that I’ve really grown to appreciate.

Amy was the winner, her itunes gift certificate is on it’s way!!

•I taught a group of women to knit in November. They decided they would all stick together for all their classes and only I could be their teacher. Since then, they’ve learned how to make a hat, a felted bag and a baby sweater. A few weeks ago they decided to name themselves the “Knitwits.” Their class tonight will be the first of their “independent study” classes, each of them will choose their own project to begin.

Over the months, I’ve gotten to know each of these ladies, each different and amazing in their own way. Each one has had an impact on me. This is why I love teaching.

•My Grandma is in town today from Wyoming. I’m going to go meet her at her favorite place, Taco Bell. She hasn’t seen the kids since before Honor was talking, so I’m excited to see her reaction to how much they’ve changed. Since I see them every day, all day, all the time, the changes happen so much more gradually that they don’t seem so huge and amazing. I really enjoy experiencing them through someone else’s eyes.

•I’m working on a worsted weight sock pattern right now, for beginning sock knitters. The good thing about worsted weight yarn and size 7 needles is that it goes really fast. I got to the heel last night and should finish the sock today. All Seasons Cotton is really strange for socks, but at least they’ll be washable.

•I helped my friend Sarah get her new website up and running this weekend. Go check it out.

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