Archive for May 10th, 2006

anti potty training

May 10th, 2006 — 8:59am

So yesterday was the big boy underwear wearing day. Suffice to say that we went through all 6 pairs, I washed them and then we went through some of them again. The culmination of the underwear wearing came at dinner time. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and talking to my sister on the phone, I thought the kids were playing in their room. Suddenly, Eden came in and told me, “MOM, there’s poop everywhere!”

It WAS everywhere. The floor, the walls, his hair, all over him, some toys, some clothes and somehow there were BBQ tongs involved. Don’t ask. And yes, Honor is still alive.

All I have to say is that even though he JUST sat on the potty, he had a little accident and tried to clean it up himself. But I am resolute, if he can try to change his own diaper, he can be potty trained. Today the underwear wearing continues and this kid will be potty trained.

(How many days will it take for me to eat my words?)

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