Archive for August 7th, 2007

growing up all at once

August 7th, 2007 — 5:29pm

Eden got a cute, handwritten letter from her kindergarden teacher in the mail the other day. She starts school in two weeks. We’ve started to do a little shopping around for clothes and school accessories. Often times with kids clothes I have to be convinced that I like something before I buy it, so we need a few precursory trips to the mall before I’ve decided what we should purchase.

At first I was really excited for her to be going to school. Sometimes, corralling these two is hard on me, and I thought it would be so great to have some alone time with Honor. (I’ve always thought that was the odd thing about having a second, you’re never alone with them.) But as school time creeps up, I find that I’m starting to feel a little anxious about my baby leaving the house. I think she’s a little nervous about being away from me too.

And I keep wondering, have I taught her enough? Is she really ready to be all on her own? Is she going to starve without free access to the fridge all day? Maybe I’ve held onto the reins a little too tightly? I hope that she’s ready to be loving to her peers, to accept them for themselves and to not project her little beliefs onto them. I hope she’s strong and stands up for herself and those who can’t. I hope that her new friends won’t influence her in the wrong direction and I hope that she won’t influence her new friends in the wrong direction either.

Going to kindergarden sort of seems like growing up all at once, I just hope that we did this whole parenting thing right enough that she won’t fall on her face come growing up time.

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