Mommy’s eye view

Today is Stash Re-organization day, so I’ll leave you with a few photos.

By the way, still no response from Starbucks. response came, I’ll write about it Monday.

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

Category: Kids, photos 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Mommy’s eye view”

  1. carole

    Can I recommend you go in and speak to the store manager? These things are usually best solved on a local level. You can quote me, too, by the way onthe “just say yes” policy!

    Love those kiddos.

  2. teh_hubby

    i thot we agreed not to let them watch any of those 70’s disco movies anymore!?!?

  3. Merededeux

    Dancing? Cuties, they are. You are going to leave us in limbo until Monday?!

  4. angela

    love those shots!!

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