Archive for January 2005

time for this

January 16th, 2005 — 9:10am

Eden’s quote of the week (remember she’s 2.)

In response to being told to put her laundry away.

“I don’t have time for this.”

4 comments » | Eden


January 14th, 2005 — 2:16pm

I just got back from the ER. Before you start to worry, everyone’s ok. Today, in true Honor fashion, Honor and I spent 4 hours in the ER. For the ONE MINUTE that I went into the bedroom, Honor managed to unzip my purse, get into my container of Ibuprofen and eat them all. I’m estimating that he ate close to 1600 – 2000 mg of Ibuprofen. I wasn’t sure what to do, it seems that I always overreact about these things, so I called Jim who told me to take him to the hospital. Luckily Jen had slept in and was still not at school therefore able to watch Eden.

Honor and I rushed to the hospital, me in yesterdays tee and jeans, Jim’s hat, dress shoes and mascara smeared underneath my eyes. Honor in white jammys that he had managed to spill orange juice on the butt (don’t ask me how), and socks. Now lets talk about our hospitals parking. We have this fantastic hospital here in Grand Junction, it has won all these awards and is ranked really high, but there is NO where to park. What am I supposed to do when my son breaks into my purse and takes all the Ibuprofen and I can’t park anywhere? So I just made my own parking space on the side of the road, I mean, what do they expect me to do?

We arrived at the ER where the great wait began. They really should call it the Waiting Room, not the Emergency Room. He was seen quickly by a nurse and then the doctor saw him probably half an hour later. By then Jim had shown up (having had to park a block away.) The doctor determined that Honor should be ok, but he wanted him to drink some charcoal and stay there for 4 hours under observation. FUN! Jim decided that I would be ok (ha!) and decided to get back to work.

The nurse that brought Honors charcoal must not have children because she mixed the stuff with Coke. What person in their right mind gives a 1 year old boy caffeine? I decided not to say anything, because I didn’t want to wait for her to make new stuff. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to drink charcoal, but the stuff looks disgusting. I wasn’t brave enough to try it. I managed to get about one third of it down him, but let me tell you, that room will never be the same. Honor, a straw and black goo liquid are not a good combination. I forgot to check if some got on the ceiling, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it made it all the way up there. By that point we had at least two more hours of waiting and the caffeine was starting to take effect. The child is bad enough with out caffeine!

I asked the nurse to get Honor some lunch, it was noon and the bottomless pit is always easier to handle when full. We didn’t get his lunch until 10 minutes before the doctor let us go (about 1:30pm). Wanna take a guess at how fantastic my afternoon was. corralling a hungry, drugged boy in a teeny tiny room? I’ve been sufficiently punished for leaving my purse at Honor height. Although, if he really wanted to get it, I know he can find a way. Remember, he is a professional.

Here is the cherry on top of my wonderful day: As we were (finally) leaving the hospital, a woman looked us up and down and told me “That baby should be wearing a hat.” It was 50 degrees out, I was feeling hot in my coat. I hate that I never think of responses until it it too late. To that woman I wish I would have said, “It’s too bad you’re not his mother.”
Do you hear me mean woman??? It’s too bad you’re not his mother and you could have spent 4 hours with him flinging charcoal/coke all over the teeny tiny room, only to leave and smother him with a too warm hat!

So, we’re all fine. Honor is sleeping now. And I am trying to prepare myself for the onslaught that will ensue when he wakes up. We really do need to get that boy a cage.

8 comments » | Honor

Black Eyed Pea

January 14th, 2005 — 9:45am

The last thing anyone could call Eden is graceful. I think it comes with being two, you’re just not used to your feet yet. The other night at youth group, Eden ran into a chair and ended up with a black eye. I should have taken a picture yesterday, because today it’s almost better and not showing up in a photo.

Instead, I can show you a picture of Honor sitting ON TOP of the table eating some play-doh.

Honor eating play-doh

Just a normal image of my everyday life. Notice Eden is showing off the birthday cake she made.

2 comments » | Kids

Scarf Swap Spectacular Updates

January 13th, 2005 — 9:10am

A couple of things…

Michelle (chicken flicken) is not able to participate in the swap, she just found out that she’s moving at the end of the month.

So just make 12 squares, the scarves will still be long enough.

Also, a couple of us have posted our progress at Ktog (knit together), so check it out!

2 comments » | daily


January 11th, 2005 — 10:50pm

In my effort to be more “dooce”[aka open and honest about everything] on this website, I’m going to try to write about this.

I don’t know what to do with Honor. Jim puts it best, “Honor is good at what he does.” Seriously, the child is a professional destroyer. I just can’t keep up with him. He goes from one thing to the next destroying as he goes. I just don’t know what to do with him. I feel that some changes need to be made around here, but I don’t know what to change. Or maybe how to change? I need to figure out a way to keep him contained. Or at least keep the mess contained. I just don’t see any options. He is lucky that he is so stinking cute, sometimes you can’t help but laugh at the guy as he’s sitting in the middle of a sopping wet toilet water mess. I love the kid, I really do, but I think I’m about to lose it.

6 comments » | parenting struggles


January 10th, 2005 — 8:43am

So, it’s official. We moved out of our office yesterday. It’s the begininning of a lot of great changes for our business, but I’m still SO SAD. I really loved our office. We spent so much time (and money) working on it, not to mention that our rent was NOTHING compared to any other place in town. And it was mere blocks from our house. The new office is across town.

Why did we move? We’re merging our business with another company in town. This company offers video production and some graphic work. With the merger, our combined businesses will now be able to offer a total marketing package, web design, graphic design, television commercial and radio commercial. There are many other benefits, but I don’t need to bother you all with the boring details.

I just miss our office.

the office

the office

5 comments » | daily

Jelly Bath

January 8th, 2005 — 9:43pm

Bath connoisseurs this is the product for you!! Jelly Bath turns your bath water into a jelly substance and they say it holds the heat 5 times longer than regular water. Wouldn’t that be so cool? To take a bath in warm jello?? I need to try it. It’s $21 for a box and you can order online. Too bad that the closest store to me is in Aspen, maybe I need to make at trip.

Also, the website has some pretty cool Flash, you can even change the radio station, check it out.

10 comments » | cool things

Heating vent

January 6th, 2005 — 11:34pm

When Eden was a year and a half, my dad gave her a bundle of Mardi gras beads. They’ve been the favorite toy for all of our little visitors ever since. Lately I’ve noticed that we’ve been missing our beads. Out of 12 strands, there were only two left kicking around the house.

Yesterday, Honor was playing with one of the strands of beads. He came and got me and grunted towards the heating vent. I took the cover off, only to discover that ALL of the beads were laying in the bottom of the heating duct. All of them, in a nice, dusty, warm pile. This child just never stops. I swear, the only time he ever plays with his toys is to stick them in the plant, the toilet, the trash can, and now the heating vent. I just don’t know what to do with him.

And now for a moment of Peanut cuteness:
Today when I was heating the remainder of lunch up in the microwave, Eden grabbed Honor’s hand, bowed her poor little hairless head and prayed for lunch all by herself.

5 comments » | Honor

Ktog (knit together)

January 5th, 2005 — 3:34pm

I set up a new web program that will allow you to register and post pictures of your knitted projects.

All I have set up now is a place for the scarf swap spectacular. I’d love to see everybodies progress. I’ll be adding more categories as we go, Joelene and I are going to start on our Ribby Cardi’s soon. If anybody wants to do another knit along or as I call them, knit together, let me know.

It’s still not totally the way I’d like it, but go ahead and start using it and let me know if there are any problems. Mostly all I will change is the appearance.

Happy posting!!

Ktog (knit together)

1 comment » | knitting

Hug my Shrug

January 4th, 2005 — 9:48am

I finished my magknits shrug. The pattern had some mistakes, so email me if you are going to make it so I can tell you what they are. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like a shrug or not, especially since Jim thinks it’s dorky. (Trust me, if I went off of his fashion sense, who knows what I’d look like.) But I like it quite a bit. It’s really comfy, I just used a soft acrylic from Evil Walmart so it only cost me $6.00, and it knit up pretty fast.

my hug shrug


shrug back

4 comments » | knitting

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