Archive for June 2006

cherry limeade

June 13th, 2006 — 1:27pm

cherry limeade

7up or Diet 7up
maraschino cherries

Squeeze desired amount of lime juice into a glass. (I like the juice of at least one lime.) Place half of squeezed lime in glass for color and more flavor. Top with ice. Pour 7up over ice and top with desired amount of cherries. It must be served with a straw!

3 comments » | recipes

100 salads revisited

June 13th, 2006 — 11:22am

So it’s that time of year again, the time that turning on a stove is like torture. It was 100 degrees here yesterday, and it’s supposed to be as hot again today. I only want to spend my time at the lake, not cooking. So I thought I’d revive my 100 salads search. So far I’ve got 79 salads collected and I’d like to make it to 100 by the end of summer.

Here are all the details from last summer. And I’m off to whip up a salad.

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The hills are alive

June 12th, 2006 — 12:46pm

I think I’ve mentioned before that Jim is an amazing guitar player. Like truly, truly mindblowing. So good that I don’t even know how good he is. Not long after I met Jim, he formed a band with his roomates. The band was called SMA – Shadrack Meshack and Abednego. The were together for several years – they recorded an album, recorded a couple songs for a widespread sampler album and traveled all over the place playing any gig they could get their hands on.

The band broke up when we all started getting married. And then they got back together a few years later just as we were all starting to have babies. The music was bigger and better, it reflected, I think, the maturity that the three guys had gained in the past years. And it was a fun ride while it lasted. Being in a band doesn’t really lend itself to family life, and I think that’s eventually why it didn’t last.

Yesterday, Jim spent the day collecting everything they had ever recorded, he’s getting together a little website with all the music on it. Click Here to listen to the first song they ever wrote together. This song evolved and changed as the guys did. It’s my personal favorite. Jim is singing and, of course, playing the guitar.

Jim started guitar lessons when he was 4 years old and he decided that it was time to start Eden’s lessons too. Honor got a little ukulele so he wouldn’t feel left out. They learned yesterday how to hold the guitar and Eden told me all about how you should pick the ukulele and strum the guitar. But I think the thing she’s most excited about is her hot pink barbie pick.

Here are my little musicians in action:

Mid strum, singing Old McDonald.

Old McDonald...


6 comments » | Jim, Kids

the big boy

June 9th, 2006 — 8:17am

Several days ago, Honor asked me, “When I get big, can I say the “b” word?” So I told him, “Yes, Honor, when you’re big like me, you can say the “b” word.”

I’ve been trying to get him to go poop in the potty. He does fairly well with going pee in the potty, but no poop. After the carpet incident, I decided that I’d better step up the motivation. I went and bought him some super soakers at Target. The super soakers sat in the bathroom for DAYS and DAYS until last night. We were watching a movie and even though he hadn’t had an accident all day, he still hadn’t pooped.

I brought out his little potty and I had him sit on it to watch the movie. About 20 minutes later, he looked at me and excitedly whispered, “I’m going poo poo.” After the excitement died down from opening the squirt guns and I praised and praised him for being a big boy, Honor turned to me and asked, “Can I say the “b” word now?”

Super soakers  - the pooping motivation

Super soakers  - the pooping motivation

4 comments » | Honor

the sanctity of marriage

June 8th, 2006 — 8:57am

A friend and I were talking yesterday about how our parents divorces have effected us, even into our adulthood. And it got me wondering, To what extent are parents obligated to make their marriage work for their children?

My sister and I requested that our mom divorce our dad. But I think we had this fairy tale idea that a divorce would make everything better. It made some things better, some things worse and everything different. I guess I still wish that my parents were married with a good marriage. And I’m sad that it was never a possibility.

There’s no point in time when divorce doesn’t effect the kids, Jim was 26 when his parents got divorced. I have adult friends whose parents are still married, and I know it would just rock their entire world if their parents got divorced.

In the end, I just really hope that my kids never have to deal with figuring out which parent they will invite over for Thanksgiving, worrying about how their parents will act if they are in the same room together, wondering if it is their fault, and wishing things were different.

I know that I’m only coming at this from the child’s perspective, but I’d like to hear your thoughts on divorce. What would be your criteria for getting divorced? How has divorce effected you? Would you stay married just for the sake of your children? When do you think divorce is a better option than staying married?

15 comments » | marriage

the vague-ness award

June 7th, 2006 — 8:38am

Gosh, I have so much stuffed inside my brain lately that I can hardly think. There are many things teetering on the brink of change and I feel a little directionless. Well, actually, I feel really directionless. As a teenager, I hated being told what to do, but now that some big decisions are looming over me, I’m starting to think there is something to be said for being told what to do.

As I’ve sought out advice, many people have asked me, “Have you prayed about it.” I wish that it were as easy as just praying about it. Praying (and praying and praying) doesn’t mean that you’ll get an answer. I think some things God leaves in your court; he gave me a brain, and I think he expects me to use it.

Life is so rarely smooth sailing. How many times do we sit and think, “my life is perfect right now”? But, I guess, life is about change. And change isn’t bad, it’s just the unknown, and it can be hard to plow ahead when you don’t know where you’re going.

(I apologize for the lack of details, I just can’t go into it right now, but not to worry, it’s nothing “bad.”)

5 comments » | gah!

I need your help!

June 6th, 2006 — 11:40am

Please tell me about any stores you love (online or a physical location) that sells either handmade goods or something like a mom and pop bookstore. It can be anywhere in the world.

I’m helping a friend do some research for a book she has coming out in the fall.


6 comments » | daily

photos galore

June 6th, 2006 — 9:02am

As I said on Friday, I re-organized my yarn stash. Wow, do I have a lot of yarn. Click on the photos below to see the detailed notes about what each yarn is, and that isn’t even everything I have.

la stash

la stash

And for your enjoyment, here are some photos from our afternoon at the park on Saturday. Most of them are by Jim.

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

saturday at the park

2 comments » | photos


June 5th, 2006 — 10:36am

•Today Tucky Puppy went to the vet for his last round of shots. He’s gained 5 lbs. in one month. I’m going to have a BIG beagle.

•Starbucks emailed me Friday afternoon. They confirmed what Carole told me, their policy is “Just say yes.” The lady who emailed me told me that she was going to make sure that the store knew there was no anti-blended latte policy. AND she’s sending me coupons.

•I’m blogging in the car, waiting for Jim to come down from the office. Ahhh, wireless internet, how I love thee.

2 comments » | random monday

Mommy’s eye view

June 2nd, 2006 — 9:24am

Today is Stash Re-organization day, so I’ll leave you with a few photos.

By the way, still no response from Starbucks. response came, I’ll write about it Monday.

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

mommy's eye view

4 comments » | Kids, photos

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